Fastest Growing Jobs in the US

Top Fastest Growing Jobs

The economy is changing quickly but certain industries will grow much faster. Jobs in green energy, healthcare and data lead the way with growth rates with at least 30%. The movement to renewables from fossil fuels will make solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians the jobs with fastest growth at 105% and 95%. As the US ages, it will help spur the need to home health aides, personal care aides, physician assistants, physical therapist assistants and nurse practitioners. Rounding out the top ten fastest growing jobs will be statisticians, software developers, and mathematicians which will have growth of about 30% each.

Here's the list of the top fastest growing jobs from 2016 to 2026 according to the BureauĀ of Labor Statistics.

Career Growth Rate Salary
Solar photovoltaic installers 105% $39,240
Wind turbine service technicians 96% $52,260
Home health aides 47% $22,600
Personal care aides 37% $21,920
Physician assistants 37% $101,480
Nurse practitioners 36% $100,910
Statisticians 33% $80,500
Physical therapist assistants 31% $56,610
Software developers, applications 30% $100,080
Mathematicians 29% $105,810
Bicycle repairers 29% $27,630
Medical assistants 29% $31,540
Physical therapist aides 29% $25,680
Occupational therapy assistants 29% $59,010
Information security analysts 28% $92,600
Genetic counselors 28% $74,120
Operations research analysts 27% $79,200
Forest fire inspectors and prevention specialists 27% $36,230
Health specialties teachers, postsecondary 26% $99,360
Derrick operators, oil and gas 26% $48,130