Fastest Growing Jobs in the US

The economy is changing quickly but certain industries will grow much faster. Jobs in green energy, healthcare and data lead the way with growth rates with at least 30%. The movement to renewables from fossil fuels will make solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians the jobs with fastest growth at 105% and 95%. As the US ages, it will help spur the need to home health aides, personal care aides, physician assistants, physical therapist assistants and nurse practitioners.

College Promise - Making Community College Free

Over a year ago, the College Promise Campaign was launched to help making the first two years of community college free. Over the course of the past year, there has many programs developed across the country. Only 40% of the US population have a degree higher than a high school diploma and the US now ranks 12th in education globally. The nation and the economy benefits when more people become more educated. 

Check out the site to find a program near you

Marginalization of Dirty Jobs

There are millions of jobs available in America but America doesn't want them. Hundreds of professions that make great money are no longer dreams jobs of people from all over America. No child grows up to say that their dream job is to become a garbage man or a plumber. Instead kids dream of becoming youtube stars and digital millionaires. 

Mike Rowe for years have been trying to bring light to the wonders of these jobs. Not just that they pay well or that you can become amazingly wealthy but that the jobs are there. People just need to want the jobs and get the skills.